Monday, June 2, 2014

The Chaldean empire

The Chaldean's settled in the south east of Mesopotamia  in 1000 B.C but were taken over by the Assyrians. They never complied with the Assyrians. So when the Assyrians were fighting among each other. A king decided to reclaim his kingdom. He lead a revolt and than the empire died. Making The Chaldean's rulers. The new king rebuilt Babylon and made it a great city and capital. It also had a 300 foot tall ziggurat. Many people would come to Babylon to come and look at the beauty and see ceremonies. He made large canals to make life better and easy trade. They managed the land very well for the size of the empire (it stretched to Egypt). The Chaldeans were advance in science as they were some of the first astronomers. Later on the Persians take Mesopotamia over because of week leadership.